Hi everyone! I wanted to take this opportunity to introduce myself! Some of you may already know me as the GIF guy, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Having been a part of the team for over a year now, my adventure began in the backstories of Planet XOLO, and has continued to grow as we opened our Gallery, crafted a new PFP collection, and set our sights onto the rest of 2024. I find myself unbelievably grateful for the opportunity and the trust the team has invested in me. Moreover, I’m excited to be working for this community of talented, crazy, and incredibly entertaining members. I also want to provide some insights into a few different topics.
Planet XOLO
I’ve seen chatter in the discord from time to time about the status of Planet XOLO, and questions of if it was going away. Let me assure you that Planet XOLO is not only alive and well, but within the coming months, we could see it thrive. Behind closed doors, we have created hundreds of pages of worldbuilding, storylines, art, and engaging content. While of course our main focus right now is the JRNYERS set, there is an entire universe of Planet XOLO waiting around the corner, starting with the release of our first 48 page comic book. Planet XOLO and the multiple teams of wonderful creatives that bring it to life, have a soft spot in my heart! Cheers to Planet XOLO.
The JRNY Gallery in downtown Las Vegas
Throughout the year, I have also seen genuine and authentic concerns of this project. These are completely reasonable, especially for those who may never actually get to see the magic of the Gallery in person. The genius of the Gallery is its ability to reach people in an entirely new way. There is something about the physical nature of seeing a NFT on such a large screen that can truly transform the way people view them. We’ve seen everyone from die-hard NFT enthusiasts to talented artists to drunk Vegas tourists walk through the door, and the joy they get is undeniable. As the summer hits, prepare for a wave of partnerships (both online and local), workshops, events, and community building activities that propel JRNY Gallery to the top of Web3 places worth visiting. If you want to get a glimpse of what the JRNY Gallery can become, check out our latest AIP in the Announcements.
The Triple C’s of 2024
As 2023 came to a close, we took the opportunity to reflect on the year, both the good and the bad. From those honest conversations, we realized that there were three core areas we wanted to improve in 2024: Communication, Consistency, and Collaboration. These three tenets have and will continue to be our core tenets of the year.
Starting with communication, within my role as Creative Director, I will be providing quarterly snapshots of where we are creatively. I aim for these to be informative, honest and comforting overall, providing insight and direction to the community, while still maintaining the mystery of surprise where appropriate. I will also provide smaller, monthly updates in-between each quarterly update.
Next up is consistency! While many of our deliverables were met last year, they quite frankly were often off-schedule, haphazard, and too frequently unpredictable. This is something that the entire team acknowledges and has taken great efforts to improve. While I do not promise a completely perfect roadmap or that we will be mistake free (we are still human after all), I do know that we are fully committed to being intentional, thoughtful, and reasonable with the promises and expectations we give.
Lastly, collaborations! I’m actually not going to expand on this too much at the moment, other than to say we are thoughtfully building relationships and partnerships that are meant to flourish for years to come. We’ve positioned ourselves to have access to a multitude of talented teams, organizations, and innovators across a variety of sectors. We believe success comes when we all succeed together, and with that, I will bring this rather lengthy snapshot to a close. I would love to continually hear from everyone, particularly things you’re most excited for or areas causing you the most concern. On my mind: JRNYERS arrive in nine days, let’s set the space on fire! Cheers everyone!